Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday MJ!

Happy Birthday Michael Joseph Jackson !
You would have been 51, if you had been alive :(

I promise.....

Divine's grace,
I promise
I will take care of all the little hearts
Who come into my sight
With grace and light
Injecting their lives with fun and yummy bites
We will dance away, all day and night
Believing with faith
That our future will definitely be bright
I will work towards it
With all my love and might
Please let this dream be rooted
Deep within my heart

While I was listening to Leona Lewis's 'Footprints in the sand', I penned down the above .......

Sunday, August 09, 2009


Did you know that Koalas spend 3/4 of their life sleeping?
They feed on eucalyptus trees, which contain toxins that amazingly they can digest.
Aren't these marsupials simply superb?!

How I wish, I can digest the 'toxins' emitted by some blockheads as easily as these koalas.
Yeah! If only......

But I wouldn't want to sleep away a major part of my life though.I have a lot more to achieve and live for.

Its good being just the way I am now. Human.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

For the love of a dog.........

I have always wanted a dog.
And it got to be a golden Labrador or a Jack Russell.
But I am not allowed to own one.
Thanks to the super hygienic freak hiding inside my mum and my dad's grief over his dog that passed away ages ago.
I understand that they might have to readjust their lifestyle a little to welcome a new canine member to the family but I really want to experience the unconditional love of a dog.
Other types of pets aren't really my cup of tea. So the option of a substitute is totally out for me.
Few years ago, I chipped in to buy a Jack Russell for my friend's mum whose dog died. I was so excited.
The feeling of buying the 'chosen one' was almost equivalent to feeling a newborn baby in my arms. Awesome, I tell you!
And the fuss I threw when given the honour to name the puppy was crazy. But I loved every moment of it.
Now I really want one as my own.
Had enough of the decade long wait!
Since I will be moving into a new home in a few months time, I will secretly welcome the new member home too.
Just you wait and see.
Nothing, I mean NOTHING is ever gonna come between my golden love and me! Ha!
For the love of a dog, may god forgive me :)

Sunday, August 02, 2009

One day.......I surely will

I first saw the picture of the golden temple when I was 14 at my tuition teacher's house.
And I told myself then, that one day I will visit this magnificent abode of the divine.
I know I surely will....