Friday, October 02, 2009

My dedication to the green eyed monsters!

I came up with this for the green eyed monsters who can't stand the fact that I am happy simply because I believe in being me.
Eat your heart out biatches! Ha! 

Smile at my face
Scorn me once I leave the place
It aint my fault
If you can't get what I got
I have got a lot of compassion for you kids
Which might tear your ugly masks into bits
Get togather, form a group
Write about me in your lowly stoop
I am sure it will earn u the nicks of  a mean mice
Just the way hookers get theirs through a lesser vice
Feel free to leave your footprints behind
Cause in the light of truth
One day, you will revisit this path for sure
So go now, take cover
I aint gonna bother