Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Past- Connecting the dots....

As I look back on my past, I am now able to connect back the dots.
A lot of questions had been answered and the learning journey is one hell of a trip. Yeah! One hell of a trip. Who says it’s gonna be easily? Its simple but not easy. Its tough shit. Really. And I got a lot more miles to go. To reach where I belong. To where I should belong.

I am now able to understand a little better on why things turned out the way they did. Less self pity. More awareness. Less judgments. More understanding. Less tears. More self control.
All those anger, pain, ignorance, humiliation, misery, ego etc eroded the real beautiful me for many years.

I thought the real journey started 5 years back. But i was wrong. It had already started when I was 4. When I had my first conversation with God. It’s just that at that tender age, i didn't know the journey to self discovery has already started.

It’s only of recent that realization had hit me. That the light that guided me through this road has been there all along. Within me.
I felt the initial spark of light ignite through the Divine. In the form of my Guru.
As I look back on my past, I am now able to connect back the dots......

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