Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson - The Man Who Made Me Cry, Twice

Is this it? Really? That’s it of the legend?
I first shed tears for him when I was 15. For no fault of his.

I was watching his interview with Opera on TV then. He was sharing with her about his childhood, followed by a tour of Never Land. And the song "Childhood' was playing on the background. He got me there.It was not the pop star I teared for then.

I had never been one of those teens who bought every one of his albums or idolized his every move. I only got to know about his music through my cousins whom I grew up with. They loved to groove to his dance hits. They even emulated his dress sense. Black and white colour themed dressing, pants that rid up an inch above the ankle, white gloves and leather jackets was sooooo 'IN' then. Guys went for the curly strand of hair that hung above their foreheads thanks to that icon. He defined “break dance” and” almost every teen thought it was cool to be “Bad” then.I enjoyed many of his songs but that was as far as it went for ‘The Star’.

It was the little boy in him that my heart went out to.
I cried for the abused, misunderstood and pressured child in him.
I cried for the one who constantly yearned for love in mysterious ways from the world around him.
I cried for the man who paid dearly for the price of fame.
I cried for the black man who turned white by choice more than by chance.
I cried for the man who had to wear many masks to survive the cruelty and scrutiny of the media.
I cried for the one who seemed to have everything but in real almost nothing.
I cried for the emasculated man who still held onto the immaculate boy in him.
I cried for the part of me I saw in that little one called Jacko.

Today again, I shed tears for that same boy whom I have never met or spoken to but feel a lot for.For the man who died without even saying a proper goodbye to his 3 young ones.

Goodbye Moonwalker. Your life long walk home ends today.
May you find happiness in God's arms and a new Never Land on God’s lap. And may you be endowed with all that you couldn't get to experience on earth, in both light and in darkness.

I still can't believe "This Is It"!
You have made the ‘final curtain call’ indeed.
Even in death, you never failed to ‘Thrill’ us.

Micheal, you really rocked. And still do.

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